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A lot of things occur throughout a day in school. For many people here at Los Osos, they experience a variety of events in just one school day. They’re put in positions that sometimes force them out of their comfort zones, or even sometimes help them in a way.
Examples may be seeing their crush with someone else, getting in a heated argument with a friend, falling in the middle of the hallway, having an accident, or just in general, an experience they will never forget.
It’s the little things that occur to you that have such a big impact in school.
It is important to understand what each student goes through every day of the week along with acknowledging why they may have missing assignments
Senior Clair Moore said, “I like to come to school every day mostly because of my friends. Some of my struggles are turning in homework, especially from [my] English class, which stresses me out daily. I overcome some of these struggles by taking a break during the weekend to stay at home all day, and I don’t plan anything with my friends or go out with them to the mall.”
She goes on, “I work on as many assignments and homework as I can to get finished for my grade to stay above a B. Personally, as a senior, I would advise others to just do your homework every day, don’t do it at the last minute because that’s what I used to do during freshman year and it was exhausting to try to get back on track. Overall, stay on track and participate as much as you can for extra credit, since teachers tend to give out participation points during class.”
As we dive more into the lives of students here, we learn that everyone has their own side of their problems.
Junior Maya Corrales said, “Honestly, my daily life here at Los Osos is very boring, but I still try to find ways to motivate myself. Some struggles I deal with every day [include not being] able to keep up. Honestly, it’s pretty easy–although it’s boring–it’s easy for me. For example, right now, I can’t find anything to stress about.”
Corrales said, “Some ways I’m able to overcome these struggles is just to hang out with my friends or the old ways I used to do a lot was just sleep a lot, which I have to admit wasn’t the best method because later on it would just add even more stress.”
She said, “I think the most helpful techniques were to talk to my friends about it or distract myself with things I like to do. The advice I would give is just to try and enjoy what you’re doing even if it might be hard or stressful at times. Something I would advise anyone is to try and take it easy, don’t be so hard on yourself. Do something you actually enjoy so you’re not just stuck in that hole of stress.”
Most of us know by now that life only gets harder as you advance through high school. You become more stressed, and a lot of pressure is put on you. Sometimes the stress becomes so bad you physically start to become ill or depressed.
It’s important to know when to ask for help when you need it. Just as the experiences of seniors and juniors are hard, so are the experiences of sophomores and freshmen. Sophomores are only hit by many more challenges and school becomes harder. For freshmen, they struggle when they begin the 9 grade and sometimes become easily stressed.
Many state that as soon as they enter high school, they’re hit by tons of assignments and it’s something almost none of them are prepared for. Although it is hard for many students, they learn a lot and end up being okay in the end.