Clubs represent the diverse interests of students and their cultures on campus. (Freepik)
Just because we are halfway through the year does not mean that it is too late to learn the importance of joining a culture club. Culture clubs here on Los Osos campus have much diversity and allow people to learn much about different cultures, or even their own.
First, it is very important for students to realize that it is not necessary to be the certain race, ethnicity, or culture of what the club is about. Many students may be afraid that it may be considered racist, but it is actually the opposite. If anything, joining a culture club shows that you are willing to accept new cultures and ideologies to at least understand their perspective.
This allows students to expand knowledge and help lessen racism and harmful stereotypes.
These clubs are a perfect opportunity for students to learn beyond some of the history they are taught in order to understand hardships or prosperity and why they occurred. Simply understanding why is a huge accomplishment toward diminishing any false and incorrect ideas of history or events that people may have confused.
Some of the culture clubs that are here, on Los Osos campus, include Muslim Student Association (MSA), the Arab Culture Club (ACC), French Club, Asian Student Union (ASU), Black Student Union (BSU), Vietnamese Student Union, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (M.E.Ch.A), Grizzlies for God, and the Filipino Club. There are a vast variety of clubs on campus to choose from and you are able to learn about different cultures you may have never even thought about learning before.
It is a great opportunity to educate yourself and also include yourself in more school functions, while enjoying it. All clubs have their own excitement and show great fun while learning about culture.
Nevertheless, it is also a great chance to meet and make great friends. With activities like bonders and potlucks that different groups partake in, it is a great chance to make new friends and see different perspectives and reasons as to why they joined or went to the club.
The most important part of all is that the club is a safe space for every student. According to SFX Student Media’s Trinti Mayer –a student– said, “Cultural organizations give students an open floor to speak freely. Because of the comfortable environment, conversations flow easily. People are more open to listening to new ideas. Disagreements are sure to arise, but it becomes a well-structured debate instead of a heated argument without any solutions.”
Such a standpoint impacts the importance of culture clubs in general by showing a healthy way of communication. The most important part of conversing correctly is to respect an individual when hearing them out. That is something that these clubs have and still provide.
As stated earlier, just because it is late in the school year, it is never too late to join. The reason clubs advertise themselves on the Wild Reports is in order to keep having students interested and remind them that they can still join. After seeing how important and impactful these clubs can be to our skills and future, it is more reason to keep them alive so they don’t die out. That is why they need you.
A single student can make a difference and can help keep a club going. Even if five people are in the club, it can still impact your life as a student positively, which is exactly why now you understand the significance of one and should join one.
If not, you will miss out.