Soloist at Royal Swedish Ballet Maya Schonbrun is competing in a famous international ballet competition: YAGP (Youth America Grand Prix). She won a spot in the Royal Swedish Ballet after winning a prize in another competition: Prix de Lausanne.
Since the 2024 Paris Olympics just passed, the topic of whether or not certain sports and art forms should be included in the Olympics have risen.
Ballet, a rigorous art form, in my opinion, should be included in the Olympics. There are so many reasons ballet is just as qualified to be in the Olympics as other sports. Yes, many people suggest that ballet exists only as an artform and to satisfy people, but there are many ballet competitions such as YAGP (Youth America Grand Prix), Prix de Lausanne, ADCIBC (American Dance Competition International Ballet Competition), and so much more where there are first, second, and third place awards given for dancing to a ballet variation.
In these competitions, dancers compete one by one and dance to a variation from a ballet. There are judges sitting in a panel to score the dancer performing.
Typically, dancers are scored based on artistry, technique, overall impression, and a wide range of more categories depending on which competition it is.
In the end, the dancers with the highest scores are awarded. Some competitions award certificates for the top 12 and top 24 dancers as well.
Ballet first started as an artform, without any type of competition. Everyone had to audition to get into an actual ballet company. These competitions actually help ballet companies find the dancers they think are fit for their company without dancers having to audition.
This allows companies to have the best of the best in terms of dancers, and are better able to captivate their audience when their company holds a show.
Scouting agents can attend many of these competitions, and if they see dancers they like during the competition, they are able to contact them for a scholarship for a summer intensive program in their school, or even a position in their company.
While auditions for companies are still held regularly, ballet competitions help speed up the process when a company is in need of dancers.
Directing back to the Olympics, this could serve as the ultimate international ballet competition, and it could also provide even more scouting opportunities for dancers.
Adding on, there are so many unusual and uncommon sports in the Olympics like Tug of War, Surfing, Race Walking, and even more. They are only considered sports with Olympic tradition. If the Olympics can include those, ballet shouldn’t be an exception.
Sports like rhythmic gymnastics and breakdancing have been included in the Olympics too, and ballet is very similar to these sports. The ballet world would be changed if we could incorporate it as both an artform and a competing sport in the Olympics..
As ballet is already a competitive art form to begin with, adding a competition toward their career can only help dancers succeed.
So many talented ballerinas all around the world, I’m sure, would be elated; not just to participate, but to watch as some of their favorite prima ballerinas compete for the championship.
Adding ballet to the Olympics would be so amazing, and it would also prove that ballet can be up there with any other Olympic sport.