College applications are the last hurdle for seniors in high school to overcome. (Freepik - rawpixel.com)
Fall season is upon us, as leaves are turning darker shades, the weather is getting colder, and days are getting shorter. However for the senior class of 2025, it also means it is college application season.
Fall applications opened on October 1, and the deadline is December 2. Not all are applying at this time, but most are, and it is a strange feeling.
And it can all be a bit overwhelming!
College applications right now are all happening around the same time that a lot of the main events around the school have also happened.
Such as games, heritage festivals, homecoming, Friday Night Lights (FNL), senior sunrise, the Haunt and many more are yet to come this semester.
Many seniors, myself included, want to try and go to as many of the school’s events as possible, as it is our last year and we want to make the most of it.
Having those events on top of classes, whether they are AP or not, adding college applications to the pile can be an explosion of stress.
Senior Savion Johnson is a very involved student as he is in Associated Student Body (ASB), Drama, Gardening Club, Sexual Assault and Awareness Club, and Diversify Our Narrative Action Club. He understands how busy balancing everything can be.
Johnson stated, “I try to chip away at college applications every chance I get when I’m free, I see any bit of progress as progress nonetheless. Being in ASB and theater has definitely made my schedule more packed this year than it has been in previous years, but I just do what I can when I can.”
Balancing everything can be quite difficult, but also a hit of the upcoming reality.
Applying to UCs, state schools, or out of state is a wake up call that us seniors are now growing up and starting to think about not only what college they want to apply to, but what possible career they might want to take on into the future.
These applications are a reminder to us seniors that everything we have learned and worked for throughout highschool has prepared us for this moment.
Just like the graduating classes before us, we have spent the last four years taking our required classes, extra classes, languages, arts, computers and extracurriculars to prepare ourselves for these applications.
Many of us have set goals that we have seen to be accomplished now.
It would be an understatement to say it all happened extremely fast and these applications are an extremely overwhelming sign that the class of 2025 is taking a big step towards growing up.
When being asked about this step, Senior Jaiden Nevarez expressed major excitement: “It makes me realize that the goals I have been striving for since the beginning of my high school experience are finally here. It’s so surreal. I feel like my little kid self is stepping down and my young adult life is starting.”
Filling out and even hearing the words “college application” is a reminder to every single senior out there that we are nearing a new chapter and coming to the end of the one we are currently on.
Aftering filling out these applications it can really leave you with a big sense of satisfaction that they are done but also now knowing you have taken a huge step towards growing up.
“I feel relieved but at the same time anxious. I’m relieved because applying to college is showing me that all my previous hard work is paying off. And anxious because we never know what the future will bring,” states Nevarez.
As children we have dreamed and imagined growing up. Just being a senior in highschool is surreal and the fact that graduation is a semester away is mindblowing.
Senior year is the year where transition from teenagers to young adults. It’s exciting and scary what the future can hold.
Nonetheless, I know my class will be just fine and thrive beautifully.
Next stop for the class of 25: Graduation!