Crochet Club is a new club on campus dedicated to teaching students how to crochet and craft. (Mia Sun)
Here at Los Osos High School, a new club, the Crochet Club, has been started this semester! They meet after school every second and fourth Thursday of each month in Room C24, and welcome new members throughout the year.
Sophomore Mia Sun, the President of the crochet club, plans to keep teaching different items to crochet! Her goal is to “hopefully make a bunch of scarves, beanies, and maybe even gloves to donate to shelters!”
This is a great opportunity to be able to contribute to the community while having fun!
Sun and the officers “created this club because so many people were interested in learning how to crochet, but didn’t know where or how to start”.
The traditional hobby of crocheting has become really popular among teens, as it can be a way to relieve stress and take breaks from too much screen time.
Their first meeting of the semester was really successful, having around 40 people show up to crochet hearts for Valentine’s Day last month.
This amazes me, and I never knew that so many students from Los Osos are interested in crochet!
Seeing so many people have the passion and interest in crochet most definitely makes the officers and president proud, as they have finally made it an available club for people to pick up such an amazing hobby.
Many people enjoy crocheting in their alone time as a leisure activity. While this can be healing, crocheting with people around you can also provide a fun environment to learn new things, meet new people, and pick up new interests as well.
Crocheting is also great for anyone who struggles with arthritis or anxiety.
Whether or not you are advanced or new at crocheting, you should definitely try out this new club! Bringing friends along will make it even better.
The officers observe the class and assist any members that need help making their creations.
Current officers, leaders, and members will create a fun and relaxing environment for some crocheting!
Sun emphasized that she “wanted to just create a safe space where people can learn and share”.
What is even cooler is that someday, these members might be able to create and crochet their own clothing or accessories just by joining this club. This eco-friendly, handmade, and fast fashion brings back these older cultural traditions and skills.
The crochet club will appreciate any donations of yarn or cash to help run their club. They will also be hosting future fundraisers where they will sell crochet items!
Later on during the school year, there will be a lot more different opportunities offered from this club that members can look forward to!
The members and officers of the crochet club are excited for this new beginning, and hope that even more students can join in on this afterschool activity.