Actors from LOHS' recent Mama Mia performances reminisce the exciting times. (FreePik)
“Mamma Mia,” the blockbuster film, Broadway musical, and ABBA sensation, graced LOHS’ stage on February 27, February 28, and March 1. With a beautiful, two-story set, aimed to replicate the elegant architecture of Greece, and striking costumes, pulled directly from an island paradise, the cast, directors, and technicians staged a delightful production that made audiences grin from ear-to-ear every night.
“Mamma Mia” is a musical comedy that follows the story of Sophie Sheridan, a soon-to-be bride who wants to find her real dad. The plot unfurls, as her three possible dads come to the Greek island, without the knowledge of Sophie’s mother, Donna, ready to attend their possible daughter’s white wedding.
Director Randall Shorts has done it again, staging another dazzling production through the magic of intricate dances, choreographed by Liz Shorts, technical magic, and wonderful leadership. The cast cannot thank him enough for his efforts.
Music Director Stevie Leyton also did wonders for the show, helping each and every actor with difficult harmonies, lilting and upbeat melodies, and delicate rhythms. With the help of their musical expertise and direction, the cast was able to learn catchy ABBA tunes for the production. Their efforts are deeply appreciated.
A beautiful cast of ensemble danced their hearts out onstage every performance, and some rehearsals too, heaving and laughing through numbers, trying and succeeding to sing.
Sophie, Donna, and other main characters were able to tell a darling story through excited lines and solos, pairing neatly with the ensemble.
I was luckily able to interview the cast during rehearsals.
Sophomore Abby Haddad, who was the Assistant Director for “Mamma Mia,” said her “favorite part of the process is watching everything come together.” As Assistant Director, Haddad oversaw the blocking of the show, playing a huge role in influencing the direction of the production. She did a wonderful job and I hope she was overjoyed with the final product!
Junior Olivia Gonzalez-Salgado, who played Donna, said, “I’m excited to see it come together,” referencing the costumes and choreography. This is common sentiment among the cast, as it is always exciting to see a theatrical production enter the final stages of completion and bring the story to life.
Sophomore Ella Collins, who played Sophie, said her “favorite part is choreography,” adding to the excitement over dancing on stage. She was spectacular as Sophie and I had so much fun performing with Collins again.
Senior Isaac Martinez played Sky, Sophie’s fiance. “I’m so excited for everyone in the audience to catch a glimpse of everyone’s talent and hard-work that’s been put into the show,” said Martinez. It was so much fun to work on this production, and I know every audience member loved it to pieces!
Senior Nick Awad played Same, one of Sophie’s dads. Awad said, “I loved learning all the choreography,” which is a shared opinion among the cast; due to the new element of dance, many were excited to test the waters of choreography. Awad made his debut performance with “Mamma Mia.”
“I enjoy hanging with the dads, and dancing with Lucas [who played Bill],” said Senior Michael Gibson, who played Harry, another one of Sophie’s dads. Through the rehearsal process, it was fun to see the true brotherhood formed between the three dads, Sam, Harry, and Bill, and I hope the three actors share the bond for years to come.
Senior Lucas Elliot, who played Bill, expressed the same sentiments of Gibson, saying, “I liked doing the choreography yesterday [“Voulez-Vous”], that was really fun.” Gibson and Elliot practiced choreography with the rest of the cast for this song, and obviously had a lot of fun being dance partners!
“My favorite part of the process is rehearsal always,” said Senior Faith Peterson, who played Rosie, the rocking dynamo of Donna’s band. Rehearsal is most definitely the best part of putting together a staged production, allowing for timeless friendships, stress-free moments, and loads of fun!
“My favorite part is singing, especially “Super Trouper,’” said Sophomore Amber Becerra, who played Rocking Dynamo Tanya. Similar to the dads, the Dynamos, Donna, Rosie, and Tanya, formed a stellar friendship, which is truly displayed during the song “Super Trouper.”
Junior Evynn Domenech, who played Sophie’s friend, Lisa, said, “I’m so excited for costumes!” It is always exciting to see the costumes for the show, especially “Mamma Mia,” and it is definitely evident the cast was ready to see a wardrobe inspired by the Greek islands.
Senior Ariana Bussell said, “I’m excited to see the costumes.” She played Ali, another friend of Sophie’s. The costumes are always one of the most anticipated elements of each production at LOHS, as they are always beautifully made and perfect for each story told onstage.
Sophomore Tristan Rodriguez played Eddie and said his “favorite part of the process was the singing rehearsals.” For many drama kids, the dances and songs are new elements in theatre, adding to the excitement of building the production. It was thrilling to see the cast come together and sing different melodies and harmonies, under Leyton’s wonderful direction and assistance.
Sophomore James Smith, who played Pepper, said, “I’m excited to learn the choreography for Pepper’s main song [“Does Your Mother Know?”].” “Mamma Mia” was Smith’s debut performance on LOHS’ stage, launching a wonderful career in the Performing Arts.
Senior Travis Adams played Father Alexandrios, the officiant of the wedding. He said he’s “excited to perform for [his] friends, because there’s been a lot of hype around the production.” This was also Adams’ debut performance at LOHS, and I was thrilled to perform with him and all of my other cast members.
The ensemble truly was a driving force in bringing the show together, and I was lucky enough to interview them as well.
Junior Charlie Gomez said, “It’s a lot of fun learning everything and seeing everything come together.” As the cast watched the set go up and learned dances every week, it was definitely a blast to see the creative direction of the production.
Senior Mia Lopez said she’s excited for “the set and props,” clearly interested in the design aspect of the show. The set, a two-story masterpiece, peppered with hues of blue, glimmering with pink flowers, was perfect for the design of “Mamma Mia.” Shorts and Theatre Tech did not disappoint! This was Lopez’s debut performance at Osos.
“I’m excited for the completed show,” said Freshman Ellhie Arellano, who also made her debut performance at LOHS with “Mamma Mia.” She was truly spectacular, and is a vital and refreshing addition to the Drama Department.
“My favorite part of the process was watching the cast come together and get more comfortable with each other through each rehearsal,” said Sophomore Kaitlyn Cox. The bond made behind the scenes is essential for chemistry to blossom onstage, and it is clear this group’s level of friendship is unlimited.
Freshman Johnathan Gibson said he’s excited for “‘Lay All Your Love On Me’ because of the flippers. I want to see people’s reactions.” This number was definitely the most comedic out of the entire production, and the comedy was not lost on the cast when the guys came out on stage, dancing in gigantic neon flippers. “Mamma Mia” was Gibson’s debut performance at LOHS.
Junior Izaiah Montoya Mejia said he’s most excited for “‘Voulez-Vous’ because the dance is so fun.” “Voulez-Vous was a partnered dance, and it was so exciting to learn choreography while having fun with one of your cast members. Montoya Mejia made his debut performance at LOHS with “Mamma Mia.”
Junior Jayden Brown said, “My favorite part was making up my character.” Every actor gets to decide the emotions, reactions, and personalities their characters have, and it is definitely a really dun process during rehearsal. Everyone gets to be involved in the creativity aspect of theatre. Brown also made his debut role at LOHS in “Mamma Mia.”
Senior Larissa Lyn Fernandez said her “favorite part was the down time during rehearsals to bond as a cast.” It is always so great to see a cast bond during the rehearsal process, and it is clear these friendships were made to last. Due to the Drama Department and Choir Departments welcoming and kind nature, it was easy to make friends with everyone.
Senior Lillie Lopez said, “My favorite part was the dancing because it’s new and fun.” It appears everyone in the cast was delighted to work with the songs and dances in “Mamma Mia,” adding to the spectacular fun of this wonderful process and production. This was also Lopez’s debut performance at LOHS.
“Mamma Mia” was truly a magical experience, and will be remembered by all who worked on the production. With a little bit of wonder, passion, and love for family, the show came together with elegant perfection. The dances were graceful and fun. The set was gorgeous, alight with stunning blues and whites, dressed with ravishing pink flowers. The costumes were perfect, as always. And the memories made will always be timeless, here to stay for decades.
Thank you so so much to Mr. Shorts and Mr. Leyton, you have done so much for the Drama/Arts Program.
And finally, keep auditioning! We would love to have you.