The show, “Gilmore Girls” on Netflix embodies the fall season because it transitions from childhood to adulthood. This show is set in a small town called Stars Hollow, giving a homey feeling because of its familiar faces. “Gilmore Girls” brings a certain comfort because of its relatable topics.
“Gilmore Girls” is a multigenerational drama surrounding family and friends, featuring a mother-and-daughter dynamic duo. The characters Lorelai and Rory Gilmore symbolize the modeled best-friend relationship between mother and daughter.
The theme of “Gilmore Girls” is self-discovery and the navigation through adulthood. This show is nostalgic because of the emotional comfort it brings and its feel-good themes.
Throughout the show, Rory often romanticizes her studies and dreams of getting into her dream school. This provides a positive example for other high school students. Rory’s life demonstrates her identity crisis by going from knowing her plan to taking a gap year from school.
“Gilmore Girls” is a symbol of fall by representing change in each character’s life. This coming-of-age show represents each stage a teenage girl goes through in life at one point. From the many romantic endeavors to academic excellence, Rory represents the ideal life of a teenager.
The cozy feeling and warmth given to you from a cup of hot chocolate could be compared to the feeling you get when watching “Gilmore Girls”. It surrounds small-town love and issues throughout the show, giving an innocent feel with an edge of coming of age to the show. The unproblematic issues featured in this show give a sense of ease to the viewer.
Filled with witty dialogue, emotional moments, and adoring characters, “Gilmore Girls” fully captures the human experience in a nutshell. It is so easy and appealing to watch and get addicted to watching more because of the new adventures each episode brings.
Rory is the embodiment of an introvert, while her mother is the opposite, being the life of the party, each character pertaining to the personality a viewer reflects. As these characters journey through life each season brings new character development.
No matter the season we could all use the comfort of a warm blanket and familiarity that “Gilmore Girls” provides. This season we should all embrace the fall by tuning into “Gilmore Girls”.