American drama series “Grey’s Anatomy” is a well known show that premiered in 2005, focusing on five medical interns named Meredith Grey, Christina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O’ Malley and Alex Karev and their journey to success along with their challenging trials and tribulations in their careers as doctors.
“Grey’s Anatomy” was not only known for their compelling characters and storylines but also for their catchy nicknames that stuck to the alluring cast (007, McDreamy, McSteamy, mistress) and it’s bizarre plot lines, ranging from being involved with married men, falling in love with patients, multiple health crisis, deaths of popular characters, natural disasters, and even a shocking plane crash.
Yet, ever since the series passed season 12, the twists and turns of the show have become boring and sometimes predictable. This is why as a “Grey’s Anatomy” fan, I strongly believe enough is enough, and that the multitude of directors should understand that it is time to pull the plug, just like Meredith Grey, who had to make the gut wrenching decision to pull the plug on her beloved husband in the later seasons.
The once exciting plot twists that left my jaw dropped in shock have begun to feel repetitive and less emotionally charged prior to the early seasons, and this feeling of dissatisfaction is not new. Gut punching moments that once made up the entire series have become dramatic and cliche.
Characters being killed off left and right, along with the hasty episodes where characters transfer to other hospitals or locations permanently seemed like a desperate attempt to recapture the audience’s interest in the show. Additionally, as the seasons have progressed more and more, characters have been introduced while the original cast members have disbanded, making the show feel less intimate than before.
Somewhere along the lines when Meredith Grey’s half-sister Maggie was introduced, and popular character Izzie had an abrupt exit. This all accumulated “Grey’s Anatomy” stopped being a worthwhile television show and hinted toward a series that needed to be discontinued for the sake of preserving the first few characters and plot lines as iconic.
After nearly twenty years of filming, it is not a controversial belief to understand that it has run its course underscoring the idea that the show has overstayed its welcome. Though, the decline of the show will never be tainted in my eyes, as it will always be one of my favorites.