The year is almost over, and everyone is excited for the upcoming holidays. Although Halloween just passed, it seems that all anyone can talk about now is Christmas, but what about Thanksgiving?
Let’s think for a second. Christmas is a holiday for all ages to enjoy. People love to start decorating their houses, setting up a tree, wrapping presents, and spending time with family. It really is a joyous time.
And we can’t forget about Halloween. Scary Halloween decorations, staying up until late at night roaming around the neighborhood, the costumes, the nostalgia- everything about Halloween is enjoyable.
Of course, the most memorable part is the candy.
However, why does nobody talk about Thanksgiving this way?
Well, to begin with, Thanksgiving is a holiday that is celebrated with the whole family. Large dinner table with cousins, uncles, and aunts, and a big, hardy Thanksgiving meal in front of you.
We think the main difference between Christmas and Halloween to Thanksgiving is that there is not much to gain from it.
During Halloween, you get to stay up late, run around with friends in costumes, and of course the candy. For Christmas, you get to decorate the Christmas tree and feats, and then there are the presents you’ve been dying for all year round.
So, many discard Thanksgiving as a holiday because it does nothing for them.
Additionally, there is a nostalgia factor. We’re all gonna remember Halloween and Christmas because we were always so excited about it. But Thanksgiving? All we look forward to is the break from school.
Halloween is very exciting but Thanksgiving is much more important and should have much more remembrance for it. Most people just get together with their friends on Halloween, they trick-or-treat, then go home and the next day is normal. There isn’t really too much importance behind it.
On Thanksgiving, we have a whole week off to spend time with our family. It’s a time to come together and give thanks to the ones who are with you and who brought you to where you are now. Unlike Halloween, there is some symbolism behind the holiday.
We understand the excitement about Christmas, the smell, the food, the decorations, the presents, it really is exciting, but all that excitement should be left until after Thanksgiving.
Many people began decorating their homes with Christmas decorations right on November 1. Why? Why don’t we decorate for Thanksgiving? Do people just forget about Thanksgiving?
One reason people don’t decorate for Thanksgiving could be because people may not be as excited about it as other holidays. That doesn’t mean we should forget about it.
Christmas decorations should be held off until December instead of people putting them up as soon as Halloween ends. People should start looking for Thanksgiving decorations to put up when November begins.
Thanksgiving is a very important holiday, one that symbolizes gratitude for family, and loved ones. Thanksgiving is a holiday that needs more recognition, as well as more people discussing it. We need to be grateful for the holiday that brings our closest family and friends together.