Academic dishonesty refers to any form of cheating or deception in an educational setting. This can include actions like copying someone else’s work, using unauthorized materials during a test, or even plagiarizing. Such behavior undermines the integrity of education and can have serious consequences for students.
One of the most common forms of academic dishonesty is plagiarism. This happens when a student presents someone else’s ideas or words as their own without giving credit. Plagiarism is not only unethical but also hinders a student’s ability to learn and develop their own voice and ideas.
Cheating on tests is another prevalent issue. Some students might bring notes into a test or share answers with classmates. While this might seem like a quick way to get a good grade, it can lead to long-term problems, such as a lack of understanding of the material and damage to one’s reputation.
The pressure to succeed can drive students to engage in dishonest behavior. Many feel overwhelmed by expectations from parents, teachers, or even themselves. This pressure can lead to shortcuts, but it’s important to remember that true learning comes from hard work and effort, not from cutting corners.
The previous text that you just read was written by ChatGPT and I’m guessing you did not even realize that until you read this sentence. With the simple prompt of “Write an article about academic dishonesty”, I was able to “write” my article.
ChatGPT has become a prevalent issue within our school. Students have been using it, not as an aid, but to do work for them. Although there are people who have never used the site, there are much too many students who rely on ChatGPT entirely, whether that be to write their essays for them or even do their math homework.
Teachers have been reading essays that use the words such as “delve” and “transformative” and it is obvious that those are not the words of a freshman. Not only that, but ChatGPT is not always reliable and I think many students forget that. They get easy answers and turn a blind eye to the fact that those answers are not always correct. The application can mess up math problems or can use references that are irrelevant to your essay prompt. But due to its accessibility, people don’t seem to care about whether or not their answers are accurate.
Cheating has become too easy and far too accessible to high schoolers and people are not learning to their full extent. With the use of such a heavy aid in people’s day to day life, they run the risk of not developing their intelligence deeply. When people use AI websites like ChatGPT, they don’t learn and it is putting them at risk for failing in the future. If people are using ChatGPT to help them with their advanced placement (AP) economics test, how do you think they will perform on the actual AP test? Probably not very well.
Rather than thinking for themselves, students have used ChatGPT as a second brain. I genuinely fear for the upcoming generation. Technology is not slowing down and when people take advantage of something that could be used for success, it makes me wonder how people will respond to the ever-advancing technology of our modern society.