Are “The Simpsons” supposedly predicting the future!? Or is it manifesting our future?
So many people believe that it is or feel that way. It is very shocking how things that happened in the show Simpsons from many years ago have come true to this day, but sometimes it just plays out like that and it was not planned for it to happen on purpose.
People are so caught up in “manifesting” and “predicting” when it is just the world going day by day and those are just words that someone said that everyone believed. Everything ”The Simpsons” did was not planned to come off as predictions in the very first place since the beginning.
If they really wanted to predict the future they may have added dates to the episodes that they think the “predictions” would have happened on. The writers of the show were just constructing satiric barbs that would mock society and its stupidity by exaggeration.
They merely stated the obvious and while some things did come true, that does not mean the writers came from the future to present day now. Things “The Simpsons” have supposedly “predicted” is President Donald Trump becoming president in season 11, episode 17, “Bart To The Future.”
Also correctly predicting the super bowl in season three, episode 14, “Lisa The Greek.” Then when Disney bought 20th Century Fox which is season 10, Episode five, “When You Dish Upon A Star.” Smartwatches were in the episode called, “ Lisa’s Wedding” in season six episode 19.
There are so many other incidents that happen in the show that are now said as predictions that came true. A big one right now is the fire prediction that is going on in California right now.
These fires are devastating and causing so much destruction everywhere and people think “The Simpsons” predicted it to happen.
This is not the first we have had fires though which would make it confusing for that specific episode to be predicting today’s problem with the fires.
In “The Simpsons” the world ends, which people now think is going to happen in real life now that the fires are happening which people believe is because of “The Simpsons”.
It is crazy how social media and even tv shows can rot your brain with wrong information or having you believe things that are so out of the ordinary. What needs to be learned from this is that sometimes you have to detach yourself from tv and real life because they are two completely different things.
“The Simpsons” didn’t intend to predict what would happen in the future, it is just a coincidence. This generation is also very predictable so this is not necessarily surprising.
People are so determined to blame all these tragedies or day by day scenarios on external sources but the real reason comes down to what they see, hear, or are influenced by.
Do you really think “The Simpsons” predicted this future for us? That is for you to decide and think about.