Should you read the book before watching the movie or watch the movie before reading the book? Many people have different opinions on it.
Reading the book before watching the movie could be the better way to go because books have so much more detailed information on the characters and the setting of the book. When reading the book, you can have a better understanding of the characters, and get a better feel of their personality and emotions.
Reading the books can bring the readers into the characters’ minds so they can better connect with the characters, and understand and know how they are feeling. Books can connect with the readers and the characters more than a movie because the readers will be able to see what the characters are thinking and how exactly they feel.
You can know exactly how the characters feel, and what they are thinking all of the time, when in movies, you do not know what the characters are thinking or feeling, and for the most part have to guess their emotions.
When reading a book it gives you your own opportunity to imagine these characters in your mind and not already giving you a picture of what characters or things look like and you yourself get the chance to picture something else in your mind.
Most of the time movies are nowhere near close to how good the books are because the movies leave out what seems like the most important parts of the books. This messes up the entire plot of the movie, and a lot of the time makes the readers not want to continue watching the movie because of the changed plot and important parts, so it is completely different from the book.
But, not all movies based on books are switched up.
For example, the Harry Potter book series was made into eight movies, the last one in two parts, and all eight movies are just like the books. The Harry Potter book series is very well written, and fun and very entertaining to read. The movies are also amazing and they have all the important details just like the book.
The directors did an amazing job on baseing the movies off the Harry Potter books, so the movies are enjoyed and always rewatched. Another great series of movies is the Hunger Games. These movies are also just like the books and rewatched all the time by many fans.
The books and movies of the Hunger Games are almost identical, and the movies made sure not to cut out any important parts that occur in the books.
Although sometimes it is the better option to watch the movie before or while reading the book. This is because sometimes books can be very confusing, and you do not really understand what is happening. Then, by watching the movie it will help you follow along better when reading the book because you understand the plot better.
Movies are also better at explaining the plot of the story more so that after watching the movie you can go back to read the book, and understand what is happening. An example of this is the book Pride and Prejudice. This is an older book, written in the early 1800s, and during that time period people talked very differently than they do today.
So, when Jane Austen was writing Pride and Prejudice, she wrote it the way people talked during the 1800s. This book can begin to get a little confusing so, in this case, watching the movie while reading the book is the better option because it will be easier to follow along.
Although, in school when you read a book you always watch the movie after not before, so that way you get the chance to read it and if you don’t understand it as well as you hoped, you watch the movie after for a better understanding.
Therefore, that is why you should read the books before the movie.