As the water polo season comes to a start our team begins to practice with the hopes of success this year. The team has been constantly practicing for three hours every day and has already played two games, one at Marietta Valley and another game at Brea Olinda High School.
The water polo team has two groups, JV and varsity. In previous years they’ve had three groups but due to the loss of players from graduations and not enough freshmen, there was a cut.
Coach Erick stated that “this has been the least amount of players that we’ve had compared to years before.”
Water polo is an interesting sport with a fascinating background that has evolved since its first inception.
The water polo game has its roots in Britain and Scotland. It began in the mid-nineteenth century between the English and the Scottish. This game was usually played at fairs and carnivals. The game became really popular to the point where it became one of the first team games that was added to the Olympics.
Water polo is a sport played in water where the teams try to get the ball into the opponent’s goal. Each team has seven players out on the water one of them is the goalie.
The goalie of the team is Mike Hale. Hale is a junior and is the team’s only goalie.
This is his second year in the water polo team but he has been playing the sport for more than eight years. As the goalie, he goes through different training and practicing to make his performance better.
While most players on the team need to work on upper body strength and endurance, Hale, however, needs to focus on working out.

Hale explained how the Los Osos team has a very close bond with each other. Hale said, “It’s like a brotherhood, and I want to make everyone feel included.”
As the water polo team continues their seasons, the team wants the school’s support while playing their games.
Their last season was a great one ending the leagues with third place even with the challenge of not having a pool and no home games. With the newly remodeled pool, they are feeling confident and excited to play. There will be many home games this season. They are working to get first place in leagues this year, but they haven’t gotten off to a great start with them losing their first couple of games. They have great coaches and a great team that has lots of potential.
The next home game is September 26 against Rancho High School from 4:15 to 5:15 pm, come out to support our team!