“The Nightmare before Christmas” is a timeless movie not only during Halloween, but during Christmas as well. However, which holiday is the movie truly for, Halloween or Christmas?
In case you’re unaware of the film’s plot, the main premise is that the protagonist, Jack the Pumpkin King, gets bored of the same routines and traditions in his town of Halloween.
Whilst sulking in his boredom, he accidentally wanders into the town of Christmas, and upon seeing it, he enjoys everything about it, thinking it’s better than the holiday he already has.
As a result of this, he attempts to turn his town into one of Christmas instead of Halloween, and convinces the citizens of his town to do so as well, going as far as kidnapping Santa Claus and taking the title for himself. After kidnapping Santa Claus, Jack attempts to become Santa Claus himself, ultimately failing.
Some believe it’s a Christmas film due to Jack wanting to adopt the traditions of Christmas over his existing ones. Throughout the movie it focuses more on Christmas and turning their Halloween town into a Christmas town.
Although, at the beginning of the movie it starts off very Halloween-like, the main base in the movie is to turn their Halloween world into Christmas, making it into what I believe is a Christmas movie.
In the title, “The Nightmare before Christmas”, it is a nightmare before “Christmas”. It does not say Halloween, it says Christmas.
People like to argue that it has “nightmare” in the name as well, but nightmares can happen all year around, not making them just a seasonal thing.
Furthermore, I believe it is a Christmas movie because when you think about “The Nightmare before Christmas”, you think more about Christmas. You think this because when decorating for Christmas, you decorate with “The Nightmare before Christmas” items.
However, there is also evidence to support that “The Nightmare before Christmas” is more of a Halloween film than a Christmas film. For example, the movie came out October 9, 1993, which is ultimately the month of Halloween.
The film also takes place in Halloween Town, where the citizens learn that they can’t change themselves or where they come from. They try to change routines and become like Christmas during the middle of the film, but by the end, they realize that they are from Halloween Town for a reason and go back to doing what they do best, which is Halloween.
During the month of Halloween, we constantly see “The Nightmare Before Christmas” decor/franchises in stores all around us. The film itself also has a very creepy atmosphere.
Also, to put it in perspective, the movie is quite literally a Tim Burton film. Based on his other works, you can tell they all have the same eerie elements. For example, the style of the characters, surroundings, and settings are known for being creepy.
The last thing to support that this movie is meant for Halloween is that the protagonist’s name is Jack Skellington. Have you ever seen skeletons being implemented during Christmas time? No. But, you see them everywhere for Halloween. I think it’s pretty easy to not mistake this film for being a Christmas one.
However, whether Christmas or Halloween, it’s a movie for the ages, and one to be remembered, no matter what holiday it symbolizes.